As remote or partially remote proceedings continue to be the norm, we are still seeing many of the same things causing friction and making these proceedings less effective and more frustrating:

  • Court reporters being asked to pull up exhibits, troubleshoot connections, all while trying to take down the most accurate record possible
  • Attorneys getting bogged down and off track because of difficulties sharing exhibits
  • Exhibits not being properly preserved in the record because they got lost in a file transfer or an email
  • Deponents becoming frustrated because technical issues slowed down a depo
  • Spectators using the chat box or unmuting themselves to insert themselves into the depo

What can be done?

Spread the load! Even without the help of a VMT, having an assistant who is focused on sharing documents and monitoring people’s connections can reduce the stress placed on both reporter and counsel, and make things run more smoothly.

Have a plan going in. Is sharing exhibits on-screen the best option for your meeting? If so, who will share them and how will they be included in the record? If it would be easier for all parties to look at their own copies, can you send parties the exhibit files beforehand?

Consider adding a VMT to your team. A VMT can be your best tool for a seamless transition from an in-person deposition to a virtual one. Technica VMTs can help lighten the load placed on both court reporters and attorneys by quickly and expertly sharing exhibits, marking them for the record, monitoring meeting participants’ connections and interactions, or recording the meeting as a backup.

We’ve seen how effective remote proceedings can be when they run smoothly. With the right equipment in your toolkit, remote or partially remote proceedings can be a great way to keep providing important services without having to travel around the country.